Thursdays January 16 & 23 – Oil Painting: Value and Color  with Pat Tribastone

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Tribastone Blood Oranges and Pitcher' 10x10 Oil 1024.jpg

Thursdays January 16 & 23 – Oil Painting: Value and Color  with Pat Tribastone


In this class we will learn how to match value and color in our paintings.  Students will learn to paint over an underpainting and match the color to the value in order to complete a successful painting.  Learn how to apply layers and glazes to your work!  Students supply their own canvases, oil paint and brushes.  Students can work on landscapes, still life or portraits.  No solvents; we will be using solvent free gel which will be provided.


January 16 & 23  |   1:00 – 3:30 pm    |    2 Sessions      $65

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